The Holy Roman Empire


East Frankish kingdom- descendants of Charlemagne died out by 936 AD

Nobles- elected Otto I to be their king

962 AD- Pope declared Otto to be the Holy Roman Emperor

- Otto limited the power of the nobles- barely

Emperor Henry III- ruled 1046-1056 AD- most powerful ruler

- interfered in elections for Pope- wanted a particular one to win

Emperor Henry IV- tried to do the same

Pope Gregory VII- stopped him

1077- Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII argued about appointing Church officials

- Pope Gregory excommunicated the Emperor

- kicked him out of the Church, stripped him of his title, and nobody could have anything to do with him

- Henry begged forgiveness at Canossa after 3 days in the snow

Church- established power over the Holy Roman Emperors for a time

Frederick Barbarossa- "Red-beard"- tried to remove the Pope's power by requiring the emperor to be elected by the nobles

- side effect- German nobles did not unite as a country until 1871 AD
